GamingPass is an important part of the Gaming ecosystem, and buying and using it can give you high Gaming rewards!
Last updated
GamingPass is an important part of the Gaming ecosystem, and buying and using it can give you high Gaming rewards!
Last updated
Step 1: Join our Discord server and find the GM_Store_Bot#7738 bot in member list on the right side of the screen
Step 2: Send a direct message to GM_Store_Bot#7738 bot, for example, by typing “help”.
Step 2: Create a deposit account and make sure you have enough coins for purchases at the store
Step 3: Transfer the amount of coins you wish to deposit to the address sent to you by the bot to complete the deposit
Step 4: Send "buylist" to the bot for a list of items available for purchase
Step 5: Send "buy" with the item you want to buy to complete the purchase
Step 6: Send a "backpack" command to see what you have for use
Step 7: Send the "use_item" command and the item you want to use to use it
Step 8: Once you have your gaming license, you will now need to visit the following link to bind your gaming account, and once you have done so, you can play and earn coins on Pubg, Dota2, Naraka, League of Legends, and Rust!